The installation of trafMon includes the following steps:
- Operating System
- Packet Capture libraries and tools
- Optional NET-SNMP support
- trafMon mandatory run-time libraries
- Python version 2.X
- MySQL Database Management System and Connectors
- Database Server and Client Utilities
- MySQL Connectors
- PhpMyAdmin Web Administration Tool
- BIRT Runtime Engine and Report Viewer
- BIRT Designer
- NPN and BOWER for completing the JavaScript menu-bar web application
- Optional CERT® SILK software
For the Probe Software, installation includes:
- Unprivileged Unix account trafmon for tmon_probe
- Configuring /etc/trafMon
- Logrotate
- Crontab for Permanently Running the Probe
For the Central Collector Software, installation includes:
- Unprivileged Unix account trafmon for tmon_collector
- Install the trafMon Menu Bar JavaScript Application
- Create the MySQL User Accounts and the trafMon_template database
- Install the trafMon BIRT Report Templates in Tomcat Environment
- Configuring /etc/trafMon
- Logrotate
- Crontab for root
- Optional Launch of NetFlow SiLK™ Receiver
- Crontab for trafmon account, and Launch of tmon_collector
For all installation details, please refer to the Installation Guide: trafMon v1.0.0 Installation Guide.